Advantages and disadvantages of investment insurance

Recently, investment insurance is very lively discussed in various circles. This is because many people only know the advantages of investment insurance without understanding and understanding its shortcomings. Especially those who have lots of money will be many who are interested in using the money for insurance and investment. Before you decide to use money for insurance and investment, you should first learn the advantages and disadvantages so that you are not wrong in making decisions.

Advantages of Investment Insurance

Insurance and investment put together seem more practical because you don't have to pay in a different place. Only with one pay you already have insurance and investment immediately. In addition, the insurance will also provide insurance in various forms at once. For example life insurance, accident insurance, and investment are combined into one. The payment system is also very easy, you don't need to come to the office of an investment insurance service provider but can be paid via credit card. This method will certainly be very flexible for those who have a lot of activities and do not have time to take the time to queue.

With these advantages will certainly make many people interested in joining insurance and investment. A very tempting offer when people can invest and get insurance at the same time.

Lack of Investment Insurance

Besides having advantages, investment insurance also has disadvantages. These shortcomings you must consider if you want to decide on choosing insurance and investment as well. The most obvious disadvantage of this investment insurance lies in the premium. The premiums from the combination of investment insurance will be far more expensive when compared to insurance and separate investments.

Don't Choose the Wrong!

Yes, if you choose the right pure health insurance company, you might bite your fingers later. Instead of getting compensation as you expect, it is very likely you will be difficult to get it. Even if you can get compensation, the amount is not as you expected. Such "naughty" insurance companies will issue a "1000 reason" style to hold your funds out of their company. Wouldn't this kind of thing make you more difficult? How do you prevent you from experiencing such an event? Below, you will find some tips.

Tips for Choosing the Right Health Insurance

The first thing you should pay attention to is actually very trivial but often ignored. To get the services of a pure health insurance company that is truly top, you must get protection from insurance companies that already have a "name" or reputation. By relying on reputation as a benchmark, in fact you have done the right thing. Logically, an insurance company that already has a good reputation certainly does not want to damage its reputation which has been built with difficulty and for a long time by providing unsatisfactory services.

One more thing, you have to check the approval letter that will be signed by you as a prospective insurance owner and by the insurer. Pay close attention to every detail. Do not let anything suspicious or potentially leave a "hole" that can later be used by insurance companies to hold your funds. You can also see what diseases or health problems the insurance company can cover. By doing all of the above, you can hope that pure health insurance of your choice can indeed provide the best results for the future of your health later and for loved ones.


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