Emerging Technology Is Changing How you'll Do Business

I love technology, and we're fortunate to be living at a time when most folks are experiencing the good evolution of technology. as an example , we've cars that are out on our streets driving themselves. we've incredible advances in medicine and have eradicated diseases. And, as the U.S. shifts from government to public and personal partnerships, I'm sure that we're getting to see incredible achievements within the space industry as humanity seeks to make a society which will thrive beyond the boundaries of Earth. The success of the reusable rocket by SpaceXin 2017 may be a step within the right direction. However, technology also can be straightforward and affect our daily lives and businesses.

Zoom Room

In my company, one among the technologies that have fundamentally shifted how my team, client and our vendors relate to every other and work is Zoom. Zoom is one among the highest video and web conferencing platforms on the market.

I love the technology because my team is opened up across the U.S. and even in Europe. Every single week we're getting online with prescheduled or unscheduled Zoom meetings in our room , which we now call the Zoom room. People can join us at a moment's notice from anywhere they need internet access using their desktops, tablets or smartphones.

OWL Labs

After using Zoom for a few of months, we went one further for one-touch conferencing, which is supported by OWL Lab 360 degree camera and microphone. What does that mean? It means attending one among our video conferences may be a far more dynamic experience.

Instead of seeing a flat check out the room , which isn't only dull but can have people outside of the Zoom room miss subtle visual communication or maybe missed discussion points, the OWL Lab camera and microphone follows the speaker. meaning that the instant someone begins to talk , the camera and microphone immediately rotate and specialise in that individual, making the discussion far more animated and dynamic. If you would like to ascertain what we're doing and the way it works, take a glance at the OWL Labs experience.

What People Are Saying

Our team loves the technology, and everybody is pleased to urge on a call because it's subsequent neatest thing to having people actually within the same room. additionally , the technology is often used for screen shares, and productivity has increased exponentially.

However, as an entrepreneur and businessman, one among the simplest compliments we've received come from our clients and partners. Quite simply, they have been wowed, and we're always getting new comments about how "forward thinking," "ingenious" and "practical" we are in our use of technology.

I'm an enormous believer that you simply need to embrace all of the resources at your disposal and within the era , that has technology. one among the simplest belongings you can do for yourself and your business is to embrace technology, even something as simple because the platforms you employ for video conferencing.


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